Cornell Botanic Gardens Engagement Photos

Ithaca, NY

We had the absolute perfect weather for Megan and Jack’s Cornell Botanic Gardens Engagement Photos. When I first talked to them, they knew they wanted to have their session in Ithaca, but they weren’t sure where. I suggested a few different locations, but I was really hoping they would pick the Cornell Botanic Gardens. I was so excited when they did, and after having our original date rained out, we had a beautiful golden-hour session.

Cornell Botanic Gardens Ithaca NY (for couples and Finger Lakes Wedding Photographers)

If you’re a Finger Lakes Wedding Photographer or couple looking for an engagement session location near Ithaca, NY, the Cornell Botanic Gardens are absolutely perfect. There are so many different backdrops all very close together, so photographing couples there is a dream. You get a ton of variety without a ton of walking (always a plus), and they also have plenty of pretty benches and pathways. There’s something new to photograph around literally every corner.

The gardens are open every day from dawn till dusk, and the Nevin Welcome Center is the perfect meeting place to start your session. Early spring can look a little sparse in photos, but even with a lot of bare trees there were so many beautiful flowers and shrubs already growing.

One thing to be aware of is, because it’s such a beautiful location, it’s almost guaranteed that there will be other photographers there. It’s really not that big of a deal because there are so many different photo locations, but you may have to wait a bit or circle back to certain locations. If you’d like to avoid that though, you can definitely start your session early (30-minutes to an hour after sunrise will still give you that glowy light, but with a lot less foot traffic 😅).

Cornell Botanic Gardens Wedding

I’ve seen photos of couples having an intimate Cornell Botanic Gardens wedding, but unfortunately, as of 2020, they no longer allow this in the gardens.The good news is, there’s no shortage of gorgeous wedding venues in Ithaca. There also don’t seem to be any photography restrictions at the gardens, so if you’re getting married close by, you could probably still stop by for a few portraits 😊.

Man in blue polo holds hands with woman in black jean jacket on a garden path

Couple holding hands and walking down garden path at Cornell Botanic Gardens in Ithaca NY

Couple smiling on a garden bench at Cornell Botanic Gardens in Ithaca NY

Couple in blue polo and black jean jacket embracing during engagement photos

Couple sitting in front of green door during engagement session at Cornell Botanic Gardens in Ithaca NY

Couple with diamond engagement ring sitting in front of green door in Cornell Botanic Gardens in Ithaca NY

Couple standing together under arbor during engagement session

Couple in jeans, a blue polo, and black jean jacket sitting on a bench for engagement photos

Couple walking down a garden bath during golden hour at Cornell Botanic Gardens in Ithaca NY

couple holding hands. man kisses womans forehead as they stand on garden path at Cornell Botanic Gardens in Ithaca NY

Couple kisses in front of historic home for engagement photos at Cornell Botanic Gardens in Ithaca NY

Man and woman in white dress shirt and lavender dress stands together and smiles for engagement photos

Couple smiles and almost kisses during golden-hour garden engagement session

Couple in white button down shirt and lavender dress stands in field of daffodils

Couple stands in front of historic home at engagement session at Cornell Botanic Gardens in Ithaca NY

Man in white button down shirt lifts woman in lavender dress and they almost kiss

Couple stands together and kisses in front of garden gate at the Cornell Botanic Gardens

Man in white button down shirt sits on garden stairs next to woman in flowy lavender dress

Couple embraces in garden during golden-hour engagement session

Man in white button down shirt twirls woman in purple lavender dress while dancing in a garden

Couple embraces while dancing during garden golden-hour engagement session


Ithaca, NY Engagement Photos

If you’re looking for some other Engagement Session Locations in Ithaca, NY you should definitely check out Cornell University, Buttermilk FallsTaughannock Falls, Wineries or Vineyards.


Engagement Session Location
Cornell Botanic Gardens
124 Comstock Knoll Dr, Ithaca, NY 14850

Ready to book your engagement session?